速報APP / 娛樂 / HeartCam- Unique Heart Effects With Love

HeartCam- Unique Heart Effects With Love



檔案大小:58.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


HeartCam- Unique Heart Effects With Love Frames For Valentin(圖1)-速報App

Best Photo in Heart Shape Layover Photo Editor

Love Camera sets your photo in another photo frame with some creative Heart shape frames. Easily making your photo more Romantic than other photo frames. Heart Camera is a spinoff of FotoRus’ popular Pic-in-Pic mode, and it is more powerful and more fun with the addition of the new Love Shape Frames

HeartCam- Unique Heart Effects With Love Frames For Valentin(圖2)-速報App


- Import photos from gallery or take from camera. You can choose existing photos in gallery by using the default gallery, or just capture in Camera mode. You can also use the default camera, or any of the camera apps,then import.

HeartCam- Unique Heart Effects With Love Frames For Valentin(圖3)-速報App

- Numbers photo in photo frames with different shape and style to make your photos in different Heart shapes.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad